Our clients are the reason we do what we do, and helping them to overcome their challenges, get financially organised and prepare for their future is what we do best.
Some of our clients have been kind enough to share their stories. In these short interviews, you’ll get to know more about the people we work with, what we do to help them and how their lives have changed in the process.


Your security is extremely important to us. We have systematic processes and procedures in place to ensure the safety of our website and your personal information.
We store our data on secure servers, where your account information is encrypted and connections between you and our servers have the highest level of security. We constantly audit, backup and safeguard data, and periodically run security audits of our software and systems. See our privacy policy for more information.

We take your privacy and data security very seriously, and do not share your information with anyone without consent.

All client assets are custodied in a segregated account with of our partner platforms/brokers. The funds used in our model portfolios are all Dublin-listed UCITS and held with the fund depository in Ireland (Euroclear).